For security reason, please confirm that this parcel is yours. You just need to introduce the zip code or phone number of the receiver.
orYour parcel was not delivered due to incomplete/incorrect address.
I confirm the address is entirely correct
Consignee Name: XXXX
Street Address:: XXXX
Post/Zip Code:: XXXX
City: XXXX
Country: XXXX
Select delivery date.
Special Instructions or Comments
Please introduce the complete address correctly include door number and floor number if it exist.
Please note that is not possible to change zip code or city, if you want to change it contact
Thank you very much for your confirmation.
We will try to deliver your parcel on the date chosen by you.
If you have any additional question please contact
Our partner that will deliver your parcel is and the tracking number is 0
Visit the delivery partner's pageSelect delivery date.
Special Instructions or Comments
Thank you very much for your confirmation.
The delivery date has been updated. We will try to deliver the parcel on the selected date
If you have any additional question please contact
You are submitting the return request. When confirming, we will collect the item at the same place of delivery.
Are you sure you want to proceed with the return request?
For security reason, please confirm that this parcel is yours. You just need to introduce the zip code or phone number of the receiver.
orProduct ID for reference #
Payment Due: €
Your item will be collected at the same address where it was delivered, on the date you selected. Below is the transport guide to download. Make sure that the transportation guide is glued to the outside of the returned item's packaging. The item must be properly packed for collection to be possible.
With Delnext you can find out exactly where your parcel is with our tracking system. Delnext customer service is always available if you have any questions about your shipment.
Special Instructions or Comments